The potter takes his seat at the pottery wheel. With his hands on the clay, his vision slowly begins to take shape. Each movement of his hand is intentional, orchestrated to create something beautiful out of nothing. Applying just the right amount of pressure, the potter skillfully works and reworks the clay, carefully removing every blemish and smoothing out every rough edge until the work is complete. The clay is transformed from potential to masterpiece — a work of art.
Isaiah 64:8 paints the picture for us.
“Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.”
We are God’s intentional creation. Scripture says that we are his handiwork, his masterpiece. Throughout our lives, he molds us and shapes us into our intended design, with no two creations looking exactly alike.
Life is a continual journey of discovering who God has created us to be. Along the way, he reveals the areas where he wants to refine us, soften us, and heal us. While these opportunities for growth are specific to each person, there is one thing we have in common: healing is hard work. VOUS Care Crews offer hope and support in the process.
Care Crews are a space where spiritual development and personal growth collide — a place for the potter to smooth out the blemishes and rough edges. We want to resource people to become all that God has created them to be, and Care Crews provide an opportunity to lean into different areas of development with some additional support. We’ve put together a collection of classes to help people dive deeper into specific topics like marriage, healing, financial freedom, assistance with foster care, freedom from addiction, and more.
Our Care Crews are made up of four categories. Each one is designed to increase health in whatever season a person might find themselves in.
1. Family — This space was created to strengthen families, build for the future, and give practical handles for healthy relationships. Classes include SYMBIS, Grace Marriage, and Single & Secure.
2. Freedom — Through classes like Free to Grow, Soul Care, Kingdom Man, and VOUS Recovery, this category helps people move past setbacks and hangups to live a life free and complete in Jesus.
3. Formation — This area is for people who desire to grow in their faith and build their biblical literacy, bringing strength to their faith journey. People can choose from classes like Alpha, The Bible Study, or Practicing the Way.
4. Finance — People can discover financial health and practical strategies to step into financial freedom through Financial Peace University.
Our Crew Department has established a volunteer structure that consists of Crew Captains, Crew Coaches, Crew Leaders, and Building Blocks.
Crew Captains
Crew Captains oversee a set of Crew Coaches. Captains serve as an additional layer of pastoral support within our leadership structure to help maintain the health of our leaders.
Crew Coaches
Crew Coaches encourage, equip, and empower Crew Leaders. They answer any Crew Leader questions or concerns.
Crew Leaders
Each small group has two Crew Leaders that facilitate Crew meetings. Their focus is to build relationships with Crew members, pray for and support their Crew, develop leaders, and encourage spiritual growth.
Building Blocks
Every Crew has Building Blocks that work in tandem with the Crew Leaders. There are three Building Block Roles:
Co-Leader: supports the crew leaders and focuses on helping Crew run smoothly.
Cultivator: sets the vibe and shares stories and celebrations.
Calculator: keeps track of Crew numbers and data.
For Care Crews, we have two Crew Captains in place — one Captain oversees the Freedom and Formation categories, while the other oversees Finance and Family. Within each category are two Crew Coaches. Coaches oversee the Care Crew Leaders, who oversee the Care Crew.
When it comes to Care Crews, we want to be extra careful that we are putting healthy leaders in place who can offer wisdom and support in the more specific areas that Care Crews offer.
Wherever we find ourselves on the journey, we can take God at his word when he says we are inwardly being renewed day by day. He is faithful to complete what he starts, leading us out of potential and into everything he intended for us to be.