April 18, 2024
5 min read

Storytelling Through Social Media

There are fresh ways we can share the gospel in today’s culture.


Every Sunday, we have an opportunity to tell a story. But we aren’t just telling our story – we’re telling the story of our part in the global church. Our story is a small storyline of the larger narrative that God is telling. 

At VOUS, we like to leverage as many creative avenues as possible when it comes to storytelling. Our Social Media Team helps create engaging content to communicate to the world not only what we get to do, but why we do it. 

While we are telling the same story of Jesus that the early church told thousands of years ago, there are fresh ways we can share the gospel in today’s culture. Keep reading to find out how we structure and strategize our Social Media Team on Sundays.


In general, many of our teams follow this hierarchical structure:

  • Coordinator: This role develops leaders and strategy. This role can be filled by either a staff member or Servant Leader.
  • Team Leader: Team Leaders are Servant Leaders who help oversee an entire ministry area, like the Social Media Team. They help to develop leaders.
  • Servant Leader: Servant Leaders help execute the ministry plan. They serve alongside their team and help recruit more Servant Leaders.

When it comes to the Social Media Team, our Servant Leaders help with the creation of all materials. They serve on Sundays and/or throughout the week and are assigned to a role such as editor, shooter, or manager. 

The social team collaborates heavily with film, photo, and design teams. After the Social Media Team lays out the content we want to capture and edit, they assign the team responsible for managing that content. 

From there, the Film Team meets with their team leads to assign Servant Leaders to their roles for each project: shooters, editors, and producers. Design Team meets with their graphic designers, and the Photo Team connects with the Social Media Coordinator to ensure all content that needs to be captured is captured. 


Every Monday, our Programming Department finalizes the plan and structure for the next Sunday’s services. After all service moments are confirmed, the Social Media Team pinpoints anything specific that needs to be highlighted on our social media platforms. 

On Sundays, we aim to post every 2-3 hours throughout the day. We typically follow this outline:

1. Sunday Invite: Our Sunday posts start with an invitation. We hope that people interact with it and share on their own social media platform before services start for the day.

2. Sermon Clip: After services start, we post a sermon clip with a sound bite from the message. We make sure to feature b-roll from all four of our locations.

3. X-Factor Clip: This post is designed to highlight something unique, whether it’s a team, location, moment, event, or specific campaign. 

4. Application Post: This graphic is posted midday. We highlight a one-liner or point from the sermon and scripture.

5. Community Photos: Our photo team captures pictures of people in our community taken throughout the day.

6. Wildcard: Our last Sunday post is usually something from programming, like a featured story or video shared in service. Other times, we use this time slot to share something fun we captured during the day. 

With our teams split across different services at four locations, one of our biggest wins is shared photo streams. These streams are accessed by film, photo, social, and design teams to share and resource each department with what the other needs. 

We utilize each location and service time to help with different aspects of content capture. Here’s a breakdown of how we split responsibilities for social media:

Location 1

  • Edits and uploads public stream photos
  • Manages SZN calendar
  • Ideates and creates content for TikTok, seasonal events and collections, and VOUS College

Location 2

  • Edits and uploads public stream photos
  • Schedules YouTube Community, YouTube Shorts, and Twitter
  • Ideates and creates content for VOUS College, VOUS Worship, and seasonal events and collections

Location 3

  • Edits and uploads public stream photos
  • Ideates and creates content to showcase locations and seasonal events and collections

Location 4

  • Edits and uploads public stream photos
  • Ideates and creates content to showcase locations and seasonal events and collections
  • Team scheduling and event planning 


No matter the size of your team or your following, you can harness the power of social media to tell your part of the story God is writing. We’re grateful to be in it with you! 

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