January 18, 2024
5 min read

Keys to Launching a New Location

The farmer plants the seed, God grows the seed, and then the harvest comes. We’ve seen God’s faithful hand of growth in our church. As we lean into the work God has called us to do, we are growing deep and wide — increasing in number and diving into new spiritual depths.


When it comes to church ministry, there’s a powerful relationship between human efforts and divine intervention. God builds His church, and He invites us to work alongside Him. 

In Mark 4, Jesus compares building the kingdom to farming. Verses 26-29 say, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. All by itself the soil produces grain — first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it because the harvest has come.” 

The farmer plants the seed, God grows the seed, and then the harvest comes. We’ve seen God’s faithful hand of growth in our church. As we lean into the work God has called us to do, we are growing deep and wide — increasing in number and diving into new spiritual depths.

With our eyes fixed on Jesus and hands full of seeds, we are preparing to launch our fourth location. Whether you’re launching your first location or your fiftieth, here are a few of the core elements we’ve discovered in launching a new location. 


Cast Vision

Before anything is executed, we need vision. Vision is what brings clarity. It paves a road for us to walk on and brings passion to our pursuit. From top to bottom, we strive to make the vision clear and compelling for our teams to thrive in excellence.

Lay Out Timelines

With any major project, we develop a detailed timeline. This timeline becomes the bedrock of our vision, allowing us not only to dream but also strategize. With location launches, our Operations Department leads the way in setting the day-by-day timeline for launch. 

We have an INTERNAL timeline which is used for staff and teams to track installation dates, construction happening on the project, order arrivals, etc., and an EXTERNAL timeline which is communicated to our launch teams. 

Assign Tasks

We are many parts and one body. We all play an integral role in the launch timeline. We empower ownership in all areas and work to ensure each team member is clear on their task. From staff to servant leaders we recognize there’s power in collectively working together. 

We utilize project management tools such as Basecamp to track our deliverables and keep pace with our launch timeline. 



Operations leads the master timeline on location and works alongside our Servant Leader teams to prepare and prep the grounds of the location.


Creative works in tandem with production to execute all screen displays as well as signage and environmental updates across the location. 


Worship works to build teams, setlists, and any stage adjustments needed with instrumentation. 


From the auditorium to our additional seating spaces, the Production Department works to outfit the location for all audio/visual/lighting needs. During this process, they work in close tandem with the Creative Department to ensure our screens are properly displaying content.


Host Interest Meetings

The Interest Meeting is a time to cast vision, give initial expectations, review the need, be clear on our ask, introduce leadership, and encourage. 

Interest meetings are marketed to the general public and available for anyone and everyone who wants to be a part. These meetings are used as a catalyst for the rest of our launch timeline. 

Identify Team Leads

One of the first steps in our internal timeline is to identify Team Leaders. These leaders are often a combination of existing Team Leaders transitioning to a new location and new Team Leaders stepping into leadership.

Build Team Rosters

Leaders build leaders! Once our Team Leaders are locked in, we mobilize these leaders to start building their serve teams. 

Whether you’re launching a new location or continuing in strength at your current location, we’re praying for you. For strength, endurance, and clarity as you follow Jesus into all endeavors. 

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