May 30, 2024
5 min read

Equipping Teams: The Road to VOUSCon

As the saying goes, many hands make light work.


As we sit down to write this article, there's a palpable sense of anticipation. In just three weeks, VOUSCon 2024 will bring together thousands of leaders from around the world, and our team is eagerly counting down the days.

We might be just weeks away from VOUSCon, but we’ve been preparing for months in advance. Our staff alone cannot host an event of VOUSCon’s scale — nor do we want to. We want to bring as many people on the journey as possible. For the last several months, we’ve been equipping our Servant Leader teams to help us lead VOUSCon at a high capacity.

If we fail to plan, we plan to fail. It's impossible to over-prepare. As we get ready for VOUSCon, we have some key gatherings and resources designed to equip our Servant Leader teams with everything they need to operate in strength. 


Before we start gathering our teams, we build out the Servant Leader Hub. This webpage is designed to be a one-stop-shop that houses everything Servant Leaders might need. The webpage includes: 

  • The Servant Leader role on the road to VOUSCon
  • A text invitation they can copy and paste to invite their communities to VOUSCon
  • Downloadable graphics that can be shared across social media platforms
  • Playbooks for every VOUSCon team
  • Maps of the Watsco Arena and serving spaces
  • Key dates leading up to VOUSCon
  • Exclusive rates to stay at the official VOUSCon hotel
  • A link to download the VOUSCon app
  • General serving FAQs


One of the first gatherings we host is Team Leaders Meeting. This is an opportunity for us to connect with Team Leaders, equipping them so they can equip their teams. It’s an important moment to link arms, connect as a core team, and prepare for what’s to come.

A key focus at Team Leaders Meeting is activation. We can reach a lot of people on our own, but we can’t reach everyone. We activate our Team Leaders to invite their spheres of influence along the journey. This year’s activation is:

Invite – Activate your community to serve with you

Invest – Build relationships and break bread with your team

Intercede – The greatest investment we can make is prayer

We start the meeting with breakfast and moments to connect in community before we come together for worship, encouragement, and prayer. After we gather large, we break out into individual teams for team workshops. We maximize this time to review key arena logistics, serving plans, and team information. Team Leaders can define roles and review schedules so they are prepped and ready to handle communications with their teams going forward.

Last (but certainly not least), we use Team Leaders Meeting as an opportunity to say thank you. VOUSCon wouldn’t be possible without the investment and commitment of our Team Leaders. This year’s gift was a 40-day prayer challenge book. VOUSCon is not something we want to execute in our own strength — the most valuable thing we can do is pray. With this gift, we encouraged all Team Leaders to start the prayer journey when we hit the 40 day mark from VOUSCon. 


After we equip our Team Leaders, we’re ready to gather all of our teams. Enter: VOUSCon Team Night. 

Team Night is open to all VOUSCon Servant Leaders and runs similarly to Team Leaders Meeting. We keep the night fun, kicking off with a courtyard hang, games, photo ops, and spaces for different teams to connect before we head into the auditorium for worship, encouragement, and team activations. 

From there, we dive into workshops led entirely by Team Leaders. At this point, most teams travel to the Watsco Arena for onsite walkthroughs and location details. Teams gather individually to review specific information regarding their VOUSCon role. 


When we’re just a few weeks away from VOUSCon, we gather all across Miami one more time for in-person team meet-ups. Fully scheduled and run by Team Leaders, this meeting gives space to finalize any pending details and answer questions team members may have. It’s also an opportunity for us to pause and invest in our relationships with our teams. The serving experience gets better as relationships are strengthened and camaraderie is built.


The last stop on the road to VOUSCon is the annual prayer night. This happens the night before we kick off VOUSCon. All Servant Leaders and key leaders in our community come together at the Watsco Arena for a time of prayer. 

At this point, teams are prepared, guests are arriving in Miami, and we get to prime the atmosphere for Jesus to come and invite the Holy Spirit to move powerfully. Year after year, this experience marks us as we posture our hearts for all God will do throughout VOUSCon weekend.

We start the night with worship and a short encouragement from someone on our pastoral team. We end the night by spreading out throughout the arena, laying hands on seats and praying for God’s presence to fill the space. The truth is that we can plan a weekend that’s out of this world, but it will fall short if God’s presence isn’t there. There’s no better way to start VOUSCon than raising our expectation and faith for miracles to take place.


As the old saying goes, many hands make light work. We believe in the value of VOUSCon, and because we believe in it, our community invests in it. Are you ready to be part of something extraordinary? There’s still time for you to be in the room — learn more and secure your seat at vouscon.com

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