September 28, 2023
5 min read

VOUS SZN 3 Design: Next Gen Artists

Our goal was to create different scenes that are quintessential to the VOUS mission through the lens of children’s doodles. Taking us back to the beginning — our why.


Each SZN at VOUS, our Programming Departments (CRTV, Production and Worship) work collaboratively to update our in-room and online experience. From stage design, to social invites, to Culture Room, and more, our SZN design flips starting in January, May, and September. This is a moment for us to start fresh. We commit to a specific storyline and concept that carries us through all design updates for the SZN.

To help define the design direction, our team spends time evaluating:

  • Where we are as a community
  • What will be happening within the SZN we're entering
  • What God is breathing at VOUS

This SZN, the team worked alongside our VOUS Kids! As we mature in our faith and continue to “become” as a community we are reminded of this simple truth: let us return to our first love, let us have childlike faith. We anchored our design to this concept and found meaning in the verse:

He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven [Matthew 18:2-4].

Our goal was to create different scenes that are quintessential to the VOUS mission through the lens of children’s doodles. Taking us back to the beginning — our why. We wanted to leverage the carefree nature of children’s art to communicate a fundamental concept of our faith — childlike.

So how did we do it?

  1. We activated our VOUS Kids on Sundays leading up to SZN 3 design launch to doodle on pieces of paper. We gave them prompts that would help guide their exploration but left it open ended so they could have fun and create!
  2. We collected hundreds of drawings and scanned them.
  3. From there, our team selected and brought together these scans into 5 unique layouts which rotate weekly in-room and online.

Throughout this process we were reminded that the best creativity comes through collaboration. Seeing through the eyes of children, brought a fresh, fun perspective that built our faith and brought strength and purpose to the final months of 2023.

If you want to learn more about the seasonal model at VOUS, checkout these articles:

The Seasonal Model

Seasonal Organization

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